Here is a usecase of an automated version of Sparnatural submitted as an example for Veronika Heimsbakk's SHACL for the Practitioner upcoming book about the Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL). “ The Sparnatural knowledge graph explorer leverages SHACL specifications to drive a user interface…
Sparnatural is a knowledge graph visual browser made for end-users. The user is guided in the creation of her graph traversal query by selecting the kind of entities she is searching, how these entities are connected to other entities in…
Do you Sparnatural ? If you follow us here, you may be familiar with our most well-known Sparnatural visual query builder. If not, have a look at the website and give us your impressions on it ! To make it short,…
Hi, it’s Marie (aka chutjetweet here). To be short I’m a documentalist, terminologist, old (linked - open) data maniac & lil’ onto-Padawan and… just came to…
Le 8 novembre prochain se tient l'évènement 2022. J'y présenterai Sparnatural et les démonstrateurs des Archives Nationales de France et de la Bibliothèque Nationale…
You want to demonstrate the content of your knowledge graph accessible in SPARQL ? You can easily use dashboard tools, such as Looker studio (formerly…
Les Archives nationales, la BnF et le Département du Numérique pour la transformation des politiques culturelles et l’administration des données (DEPNUM) du ministère de la…
A l'occasion de l'évènement Europeana "Building the common European data space for cultural heritage together" le 1er mars 2022, j'ai eu l'occasion de montrer cette…
The FAIR Data Collective is doing cool things to enable researchers to easily publish their vocabularies as SKOS linked data while easily editing the vocabulary…
Dans le billet précédent nous avons vu comment Talend pouvait être utilisé pour convertir des données existantes vers du RDF/XML pour alimenter un graphe de…