Here is a usecase of an automated version of Sparnatural submitted as an example for Veronika Heimsbakk's SHACL for the Practitioner upcoming book about the Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL). “ The Sparnatural knowledge graph explorer leverages SHACL specifications to drive a user interface…
Sparnatural is a knowledge graph visual browser made for end-users. The user is guided in the creation of her graph traversal query by selecting the kind of entities she is searching, how these entities are connected to other entities in…
Do you Sparnatural ? If you follow us here, you may be familiar with our most well-known Sparnatural visual query builder. If not, have a look at the website and give us your impressions on it ! To make it short,…
Talend Open Studio est un outil d’ETL, open-source et avec une version gratuite, utilisé pour récupérer des données d’une ou plusieurs bases, ou flux, les… 2020 c'est bientôt et ca se passera évidemment en ligne, becoz confinement. En ligne et à travers des vidéos d'intervention pré-enregistrées, accessibles librement à…
Un récent fil de discussion sur la mailing-list public-lod demandait quels étaient les bons "Graphic softwares for creating drawings and diagrams in cross-sectoral scientific papers"…
SHACL Play! at is a free online RDF validator based on SHACL. It encapsulates TopQuadrant's Java SHACL implementation as the actual validation engine. The code…
Sparnatural est un composant Javascript permettant de naviguer dans un graphe de connaissances RDF en construisant visuellement des requêtes SPARQL. UPDATE avril 2021 : Sparnatural…
In last May 2018, the controlled vocabularies of ScoLOMFR were published using Skosmos : (In French). ScoLOMFR is composed of 40 vocabularies (40 ConceptScheme)…