The OpenArchaeo platform, developed by French consortium Huma-Num MASAplus (Mémoire…

Fair Data Collective is doing cool things with SKOS Play and xls2rdf
The FAIR Data Collective is doing cool things to enable researchers to easily publish their vocabularies as SKOS linked data while easily editing the vocabulary content in Excel spreadsheets, converted using the xls2rdf library in SKOS Play from Sparna. They turned the converter in a Github actions pipeline, so that you push your Excel spreadsheet based on a provided Excel template to your Github repo, and abracadabra ! you get a SKOS RDF file that can be loaded in a Fuseki instance and visible in Skosmos, and even submitted to BioPortal or OntoPortal.
Here is also nice video showing how to visualize such a SKOS vocabulary in SKOS Play visualization tools.
Thanks to Nikola Vasiljevic and John Graybeal from FAIR Data Collective for this nice integration !
You can check out the Fair Data Collective page on LinkedIn : « Making practical and easy-to-use FAIR data solutions ».
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